The first day we assembled the table and made all of the paper party decorations. There are paper masks, cones filled with candy, party poppers, and the Halloween banner.
The second day we worked with fimo and created all of the goodies.
The table is filled with donuts, candy and carmel apples (complete with the worm), brownies, suckers, stick candy, candy corn, pumpkin topped cupcakes, popcorn balls, a fancy spiderweb topped cake, and a bowl full of candies.

I learned a wealth of imformation in this class. Carl is a very good teacher. The fimo candies and food were all suprisingly easy to create. It is just knowing the methods and taking it step-by-step.
We even made the candles! The most important thing that I learned is to just have fun with it and not drive myself crazy trying to make each item perfect. There are many items on the table that I didn't labor over, but it looks great as a whole.

The table is filled with donuts, candy and carmel apples (complete with the worm), brownies, suckers, stick candy, candy corn, pumpkin topped cupcakes, popcorn balls, a fancy spiderweb topped cake, and a bowl full of candies.

I learned a wealth of imformation in this class. Carl is a very good teacher. The fimo candies and food were all suprisingly easy to create. It is just knowing the methods and taking it step-by-step.

Have a goodie and welcome to the party!