This class was non-stop work from 8am - 5pm for three days. It was a blast!
I wanted to give it a french country feel. The class learned to age the walls and woodwork. This was done mainly with washes of acrylic paints and burnt umber oil paint and liquin.
We also learned to add subtle layers of paint to give the floor tiles an aged cut tile look. The floor "tiles" are wallpaper.
We also learned to add subtle layers of paint to give the floor tiles an aged cut tile look. The floor "tiles" are wallpaper.
This is the wine cellar room. I still have to fill it with more wine bottles. I need to purchase a picture portrait light to light the picture over the bar area.

This is the tasting room area. I am waiting on the matching bespaq chair and I am still looking for a cabinet that will look better in this room than the one I have displayed. I painted and antiqued the bespaq sideboard. The curtains and curtain rod were fun to make and hang.
This is the tasting room area. I am waiting on the matching bespaq chair and I am still looking for a cabinet that will look better in this room than the one I have displayed. I painted and antiqued the bespaq sideboard. The curtains and curtain rod were fun to make and hang.
The window is lit from behind with a scene of a fountain.
The wine bottle holder is from J Getzan. I printed the pictures from the Internet and re sized them to fit in the painted frames.
There are many little details to finish and accessories to add, but I just wanted to share what I have finished so far.